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Science at Silverdale School is characterised by a strong team spirit and a shared, common goal of enabling all students to enjoy and achieve in science.

The Science Department strives to ensure that all pupils achieve their best and that they have sufficient knowledge and understanding to become confident citizens in the increasingly scientific world. Through excellent teaching and enthusiasm for their specialist subjects, teachers inspire all students and promote high levels of engagement, aspiration and progression beyond Key Stage 4.

Science is taught by biology, chemistry and physics specialists from Year 8 upwards in one of our 11 laboratories and 3 classrooms. Years 7 and 8 are taught in mixed ability groups, with setting from Year 9 onwards. We aim to involve pupils in practical work whenever possible. Learning and teaching approaches are varied in order to engage and challenge all students.

We encourage students to question the scientific method and nurture their interest such that they pursue further study. There is a significant level of uptake of science subjects in the sixth form and beyond.

why choose to study this subject at our school?

Within the Science department we have a very committed team of teachers and technicians. Their subjects specialisms are used effectively to nurture students' interests. We aim to inspire all to enjoy the subject and achieve their best, regardless of ability. Staff provide high quality marking and feedback to support progress.

We have excellent, well-equipped facilities and lab tech support. Teachers are enthusiastic about their subject and look to incorporate practical work into lessons whenever possible.

The team have lots of experience of guiding students during exam preparation, and there is a superb track record of exam results at both GCSE and A-level.

There is a department rewards system, with the 'student of the half term', which aims to recognise and celebrate the achievements of all students.

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 to 9, students study a broad range of scientific topics that lead to development of ‘How Science Works’ skills, student confidence at carrying out practical work and a solid foundation of knowledge for GCSE. An ‘in-house’ scheme of work is followed that matches the requirements of the National Curriculum. Year 7 classes are taught ‘Science’ but from Year 8 they have dedicated biology, chemistry and physics lessons.

Tests are given at the end of each topic at Key Stage 3 and the average result from these tests is used as the basis of groupings and access to triple science the following year. There is a lot of practical work, so that students can build skills such as: data-handling, using Maths, problem-solving, communication, handling apparatus. There is a lot of team work/small group work.

Year Biology Chemistry Physics


  • Cells
  • Plants
  • Environment
  • Introduction to Science
  • Solids, liquids and gases
  • Acids and alkalis
  • Forces
  • Energy, heating and cooling
  • Earth and space


  • Reproduction
  • Respiration and circulation
  • Genetics and environment
  • Simple chemical reactions
  • Atoms, elements and compounds.
  • Solutions and separation
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Light
  • Sound


  • Diet and health
  • GCSE begins after October half-term.
  • Metals and reactivity
  • Further chemical reactions
  • GCSE begins after October half-term.
  • Forces, motions and simple machines
  • GCSE begins after Christmas

KS3 Learning Journeys

Awaiting Content




  • Develop knowledge and understanding of ‘Working Scientifically’.
  • Develop a wide range of practical and investigative skills.
  • See the relevance of science in our daily and working lives.
  • Consider and interpret scientific data, evidence and ideas so that you can reach your own conclusions.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of a broad selection of science topic areas.
  • Two exam papers, each one hour and 15 minutes in length, will be taken in each of the three Science subjects.
  • All examinations will be taken at the end of Year 11.
  • You will complete a number of ‘Required Practicals’, but these are not assessed at the time of completion. Final examinations will include questions about these ‘Required Practicals’ and so it is important that they are not missed.

GCSE separate science ('triple science')



  • The content of the new ‘Combined Science’ will still be covered.
  • Extra topics will be studied in all three sciences that will cover additional areas and skills.
  • These extra topics will provide the chance to enhance practical and investigative skills.
  • ‘Triple Science’ will build further on the understanding of ‘Working Scientifically’.
  • Two exam papers, each one hour and 45 minutes in length, will be taken in each subject.
  • All examinations will be taken at the end of Year 11.
  • You will complete a number of ‘Required Practicals’, but these are not assessed at the time of completion. Final examinations will include questions about these ‘Required Practicals’ and so it is important that they are not missed.


Homework is set and marked regularly for all year groups, in line with school policy. The nature of this work can be expected to vary widely, to include activities such as research, revision or creative tasks as well as formal written pieces. Students should see their teacher at the earliest opportunity if the task is unclear or they cannot complete it. Extra help will be available if sought before the deadline.

beyond the classroom

  • Year 7 Science Club.
  • Year 8 students are able to enjoy a day of biology fieldwork in the Peak District.
  • Informal ‘drop in’ sessions are available for any student requiring extra help.
  • We have a thriving programme of activities for National Science Week that aims to provide something for everyone.
  • Year 7 students have the chance to take part in fieldwork as part of a combined trip with Geography.
  • Occasional competitions and events are organised or promoted where appropriate.