Homework is an essential ingredient in working towards our vision of every pupil at Silverdale achieving beyond expectation.
What is the purpose of homework?
- To reinforce and develop the learning that takes place in the classroom.
- To encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and to work independently to meet deadlines.
- To give parents, carers and other adults the opportunity to become more involved in the learning of their children.
At Silverdale all homework will link to the curriculum in a way that reinforces learning. It will be flexible and appropriately differentiated. Homework will be set regularly, and will be marked. Homework that shows good effort will be celebrated and rewarded. If homework shows poor effort or is not handed in, teachers will apply sanctions in line with the school behaviour policy.
In Years 7 to 11 teachers record homework in Google Classroom. This can be viewed as an app on a mobile phone or tablet, or as a webpage on a computer. You can find out more on our Google Classroom webpage.
Various homework clubs are run at lunchtime and after school to support pupils in completing their homework. Details of extra-curricular clubs can be found here.