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Behaviour and rewards

Our Behaviour for Learning Procedure is available for download on the Policies page.

silverdale school expectations

  • Arrive on time, fully equipped and ready to learn.
  • Try your best at all times.
  • Take pride in yourself and respect others.
  • Complete classwork and homework to the highest standard possible for you.
  • Listen to those who are meant to be talking – adults and students.
  • Follow all instructions; first time, every time.


Behaviour in Lessons

  • Students will be rewarded for getting things right. Praise, positive relationships and engagement and meaningful learning experiences are the best methods for ensuring good learning behaviours.
  • Positive comments, positive interactions and praise must outweigh consequences.
  • When poor behaviour does occur this must be dealt with consistently by all teachers with equity of sanction. It should be challenged and the appropriate response and outcome issued.


yellow and red card system in lessons

  • To tackle low-level disruptive behaviour.
  • Replaces the old 'Choice, Chance and Consequence' system.


sanction ladder

  • S1: 15 minute detention with class teacher. Served after school the following day. It is the responsibility of the student to inform parents of a S1 detention.

  • S2: 30 minute Key Stage detention. Key Stage will inform parents of day and time.

  • S3: 40 minute Whole School detention. Key Stage will inform parents of day and time.

  • Seclusion: students removed from lessons for a half or full day. Key Stage will inform parents of day and duration.


Confiscation of personal items in school

Please note that any personal items that contravene school rules are brought into school at the owner's risk. Any damage to these items will not be paid for by the school.



Positive comments, positive interactions, praise and rewards must outweigh consequences.

Rewards at Silverdale School are:

  • Fair – students systematically receive weekly rewards for attendance, punctuality and positive behaviour. Thusly, students are constantly recognised for ‘getting it right’ every day and every week. All students who deserve reward are rewarded. For those who go beyond the expectations they will receive additional reward but this will be appropriate.
  • Consistent – rewards are given for all aspects of school life and are given consistently by all staff.
  • Simple – what is rewarded is clear and follows a consistent criteria.

Teaching staff can reward students in the following ways:

  • Verbal praise.
  • Comments on work. (Linked policy: Feedback)
  • Certificates.
  • Sending students to Year Team/SLT for praise and recognition.
  • Positive contact with home.
  • Public display of work.
  • Acknowledgement through assembly.
  • Certificate/award at presentation evening.
  • Awarding Achievement Points.

Achievement Points

All students are systematically rewarded Achievement Points for meeting the Silverdale School Expectations.

Students receive 5 points weekly for each of the following:

  • 100% attendance.
  • No late marks.
  • No behaviour points.

After each Assessment Point ( 3 per academic year) students are awarded additional Achievement Points in the following way:

  • 5 points for each excellent effort grade.
  • 4 points for each good effort grade.

Students receive 10 point per half-term for regularly attending extra-curricular clubs.

In addition to the systematic awarding of Achievement Points students can receive further points in every lesson under the following criteria:

Awarding Criteria

Additional ‘Achievement Points’

Above expected

Students meet expectations and one or more of the following:

  • Contributing positively to the lesson.
  • Producing work above the expected standard.
  • Especially kind and supportive towards others.
  • Students challenge themselves.




Highly ambitious home work/classwork/contribution/or effort.



Postcard Home

Staff are to award at least 1 post card per week to a student for exceptional contributions to either their own learning or the school.


In addition to daily and weekly Achievement Points students also receive further points half-termly as follows:

Awarding Criteria

Additional ‘Achievement Points’

Student of the half-term


Improved student of the half-term


Head of School Award

For inspirational work in the school or community.



Rewards for accruing Achievement Points

Students are systematically rewarded for accruing Achievement Points as follows:


  • Top 5 students in each Year Group each week receive a queue jump pass for the following week.
  • Certificates are awarded each half-term for: Top 10% for Achievement Points, Top Extra Curricular Points, Student of the half-term and Improved Student of the half-term.
  • Students in the Top10% for Achievement Points are into a prize draw and recorded on the prize wall.


  • Form of week receive a form award (currently a box of Celebrations chocolates).
  • Form of the term (decided from options by form).
  • Most successful year – group (decided from options by year group).