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The History department at Silverdale aims to inspire students to enjoy engaging with the past and empower them with skills for the future.

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 to 9 study a broad variety of topics, including

  • The impact of the Romans in Britain
  • The Norman invasion
  • Plague and rebellion
  • Tudor Britain
  • Jack the Ripper
  • Industrial Sheffield
  • The causes, course and impact of WWI and WWII
  • The holocaust
  • The assassination of JFK
  • Terrorism in the modern world

Students are taught skills in analysing sources and evaluating pieces of evidence. They are also taught how to structure extended writing in preparation for GCSE.

gcse history


What will you learn?

The topics we cover are:

  • America 1840 – 1895: Expansion and consolidation
  • Wider World Studies: Conflict and Tension 1918 - 1939
  • Britain: Health and the People 1000 to the present day
  • Elizabethan England 1568 – 1603

In Year 11 we run a trip the local study site that is selected by the exam board for that year.

how will this be assessed?

There are 2 exam papers taken at the end of the GCSE course. These are not tiered. Students are required to answer source based questions alongside questions that assess their knowledge and understanding.

Future pathways

A GCSE in History is useful for a range of opportunities at 16+. A good grade will allow you to take any A-level courses including History, Politics, English and Social Science courses. It is also useful for students considering a career in Medical Sciences. The skills you have gained will also be valued by vocational courses and by employers. Many students who wish to go in to Law use history to show that they are able to interpret evidence and present a substantiated conclusion from it.